Wisdom from the Wilderness

From breakdown to breakthrough: one woman’s journey from depression to thriving in her Chapter 2 life

About the Author

Hello friend!

I'm Jen McClure, and my life is a vibrant tapestry woven with treads of authorship, speaking engagements, and guiding others toward mental wellness. As a Sales Director in the beauty industry, I also love empowering women to embrace their inner strength and unique beauty. My first book, "Wisdom from the Wilderness", is a labor of love. It's raw, authentic, gripping, and inspiring. You can order WFTW directly from my website, or find me on Amazon.

Exciting adventures await on the horizon, including the launch of my first online course, publishing my second book, creating an online support community, and my first TED talk. Working title for this project is, "Confessions of a Depressed Diva". (Are you intrigued?) I'm hoping my victory story will inspire others to know that they, too, can get through what might feel impossible. My vision is to be a beacon of hope for people who feel weary, lost and alone, supporting them to rediscover their voice and reclaim their power!

My husband, David, and I are loving our "empty nest" life in beautiful Stockbridge, MI. We're active in our church and community, and we cherish great moments with our amazing friends, children, and grandsons. I also love traveling, outdoors, good coffee, good wine, and good books. My life motto is...work hard, play hard, love easy.

Highlights of The Book

Overcome the Darkness

Through my journey, I discovered that even when it feels like your essence has been extinguished, there's still a glimmer of hope waiting to be rekindled. I learned that while depression may cast its shadow, the path to healing requires a determined crawl, refusing to succumb to its suffocating grip.

Choose Your Path

I've come to understand that we cannot simultaneously embrace fear and grace, nor can we entertain lies while holding onto the truth. It's imperative to fiercely protect our inner selves, allowing only those who uplift and nourish our souls into our inner circle, while refusing to grant entry to the forces that seek to undermine our well-being.

Embrace the Journey

My faith has taught me that battles are inevitable, but victory is assured when we don't face them alone. Even amidst the darkest moments, there lies the potential for beauty and renewal. Every setback is an opportunity for a comeback, every struggle a chance for triumph. Let us not be disheartened by the storms, for they are often the precursors to the most glorious dawns.

About The Book

“Wisdom from the Wilderness” chronicles Jen’s descent into madness and her 4-year battle with debilitating depression and anxiety that almost stole her life.  It celebrates her breakthrough into victory, and her stunning “Chapter 2” life.  Further, it gives practical tips for avoiding a mental health crisis, how to navigate a spiral, and how to support a loved one in crisis.  When all seems hopeless, Wisdom from the Wilderness shines a light of hope.  Recovery and restoration are possible.  And your Chapter 2 life is WORTH IT.


What they’re saying about

Wisdom from the Wilderness

"Wisdom from the Wilderness" is a story of redemption, reclaiming heaven's gift of life. Be emotionally gripped as you walk with Jen through her story of pain, unforeseeable hope, and the healing power of amazing grace. Jen is who you see. She got here because her only resolve was the gift of TRUTH, LOVE, & JESUS Himself, Who prevailed over every lie that she once believed about who she was."

Patty Buchard

Counselor at The Healing Tree

"After the weight and trauma has melted away, the unspeakable joy in Jen's heart is so beautiful. She is transparent and authentic. Her triumphant story can transform lives if people choose to apply these lessons. Stop suffering in silence when there is a tribe who can support you."

Dr. Carmen Thomas

Executive Director at Transformation Gems & CEO of Unstoppable Women's Empire

"I am humbled that as I read Jen's story, I find myself along for the ride. Being able to walk with her in it and through it is a tremendous blessing for me personally."

Rev. Brian Johnson

Regional Executive Minister at American Baptist Churches of America

"The struggle is real! I love this raw, inspiring story, sharing living proof that faith and determination can conquer even the darkest times in one's life. I found encouragement and hope as Jen shares her climb up and out, and into the light!"

Maryvonne DeSmyter

Celebrate Recovery Northeastern Michigan State Representative

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